Mindful Cafe
Thursday, 15:00 - 16:00 The Mindful Cafe is a free, drop-in class every Thursday at 15:00 - 16:00. It teaches people how to break away from negative thought patterns that exacerbate stress, anxiety, and depression, and this is run by our experienced mindfulness class facilitator, Ulanah. This is held in a relaxed, comfortable environment, so feel free to pop-in and give it a try! No booking required: come in and give it a try! What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a very simple form of meditation. It teaches people how to be present in the moment and break away from negative thought patterns that exacerbate stress, anxiety and depression. Giving people the tools to replace negative through patterns with positive. Mindfulness is about observation without criticism; being compassionate with yourself. Over time, mindfulness brings about long-term changes in mood and levels of happiness and wellbeing. Scientific studies have shown that mindfulness not only prevents depression, but that it also positively affects the brain patterns underlying day-to-day anxiety, stress, depression and irritability so that when they arise, they dissolve away again more easily. |
‘It has opened up new ways of thinking, of approaching life, of responding rather than reacting, and of self-resilience and happiness’
‘This has boosted my confidence’
‘I’d encourage anyone to give the practice of mindfulness, and learning of self-compassion, a go, whatever their current state of mind’
‘The casual drop in nature of the class, their free availability and ethos… encouraged me to give them a try… I am delighted I did’
‘As a result of learning mindfulness, I’ve noticed a substantial improvement in myself and my mental health. I feel calmer and am dealing with my difficulties better than I was before I attended the mindfulness groups and the stress project’
‘I have formed friendships within the group. Seeing familiar faces when I attend the groups is very comforting.'
‘My mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being have improved, and the warm, welcoming environment of the groups encourages me to want to return’