We currently cannot take any more referrals for low-cost art therapy, massage, acupuncture and shiatsu as the waiting lists are full.
Shiatsu is a physical therapy that supports and strengthens the body’s natural ability to heal and balance itself. It works on the whole person - not just with the physical body, but also with the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of being. Shiatsu originated in Japan from traditional Chinese medicine, with influences from more recent Western therapies. Although shiatsu means ‘finger pressure’ in Japanese, in practice a practitioner uses touch, comfortable pressure and manipulative techniques to adjust the body’s physical structure and balance its energy flow. It is a deeply relaxing experience and regular treatments can alleviate stress and illness and maintain health and well-being. Shiatsu can be described as a merging of acupuncture and massage techniques. Zen Shiatsu is a touch-based therapy that applies pressure to areas of the surface of the body for the purpose of correcting imbalances and maintaining and promoting health. This service for adults living in the London borough of Islington. It requires a referral by a health professional such as a GP, Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker or Support Worker and is available for up to 6 weeks. The fees are on £20.00 Visit this page for the health professional referral form: If you have any questions please call 0207700 3938. |