Starting tomorrow, Thursday 23rd July, we are holding a Mindfulness class in the Stress Project building every Thursday from 4pm to 5pm. This class will be facilitated by Ulanah. Mindfulness is excellent at helping people to manage the stresses of everyday life and more specifically anxiety, depression, addictive or obsessive behaviours, chronic illness and pain. It a skill for life, so we’re delighted to be able offer this class during a time when many people have been experiencing new mental health issues. We have put in place a variety of measures to ensure we can run the class safely. These include social distancing and new hand hygiene rules Everyone visiting the centre will be required to wear a face covering, so please make sure that you bring with you a scarf or face mask along with your own water bottle. This is not a drop-in class, all participants must book their place in advance each week. To book a place please contact us on 020 7700 3938 or email [email protected] Thanks, Carol, Stress Project Manager |
November 2024
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